Our Work

InSTEDD’s innovative approach, which facilitates collective action by local partners, is being successfully applied around the world — from pioneering efforts to integrate disease surveillance and response systems in Southeast Asia to implementation of a nationwide communications system to aid victims of the Haiti earthquake in 2010.

Our work is often focused on addressing life-threatening gaps in communication and knowledge sharing.  At the local level our projects have ranged from implementing an appointment reminder system for HIV patients in Cambodia to supporting maternal child health workers in Mexico in text-messaging life-saving information to their patients.  At the policy level, we are advising organizations like the United Nations, the World Health Organization, and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control on the strategic implementation of health information systems and collaboration technology ventures.


What is InSTEDD?

At InSTEDD we design and use open source technology tools to help partners enhance collaboration and improve information flow to better deliver critical services to vulnerable populations.