Africa Laboratory Mapping Program

ASLM and InSTEDD are working to advance diagnostic capabilities through optimization of laboratory networks.
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Information and data about laboratory capacity and locations across countries in Africa are largely difficult to access, out of date, or incomplete. This causes many challenges in enhancing laboratory network capacity for improved patient testing and support of public health needs. As such, the mapping of laboratory capacity across the continent has been identified as a key priority for the development of laboratory networks in Africa. To tackle this challenge the African Society for Laboratory Medicine (ASLM) is launching the Africa Laboratory Mapping Program.
ASLM has received funding from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to build a centralized platform for collecting data and providing software tools to better support, manage and plan for laboratory services throughout Africa.
The platform being provided by ASLM and InSTEDD through the mapping program will seek to:
- Improve functionality of national and regional laboratory networks by mutualizing existing resources.
- Increase diagnostic testing capacity and surveillance coverage of laboratory networks.
- Enhance preparation for and response to disease outbreaks
Who will benefit from joining the program?
- Managers or supporters of laboratories
- Stakeholders willing to share laboratory inventories and data to inform health interventions.
- Those needing tools for planning laboratory networks and systems.
There are multiple anticipated users for the system being developed through the collaboration, including support for evidence-based decision making for governments, regional bodies, funding institutions, private companies and researchers. Niger and Ethiopia have been identified as the initial countries to participate in the first phase.
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