A month ago a group of IT people from InSTEDD and Yoolk started sharing their interest of finding way to use their skill and experience to help Cambodia society. They have ambition to improve the standard of IT capacity in Cambodia.
Finally they come with the conclusion to form a volunteer group name Share Vision to share their experience and skill to student at university/school based on the fact that There is big gap between university/school education and the work reality . Share Vision team goal is to welcome volunteer from any fields to share what they know that is need at work, what is a good practice so that student could have expose to those skills that they might not have in their curriculum. In that student can improve their skill and more ready with job market competition.
On August 27th, the team gave a first talk to BBU student. There are about 60 students attending, almost all of them are in 3rd and 4th year and majority coming from IT field. No one among them got job yet, most of them are actually looking for job.
The main topic talked in that day is “Version Control”, the team chose that topic because they see that almost every work place nowadays using version control. And surprisingly non of the student attended have heard about Version Control before. Student have shown their interest to share vision and they have requested team to
- Arrange the talk for other field as well such “Civil Engineering”, “Banking” …etc
- Suggesting to have other topic talk on “Website design”, “Database design” …
- Suggesting to have this kind of sharing to the high school student as well, to helping them having clear goal for their future
Share Vision team is very proud with their first talk and hoping to have to have more contribution from other volunteers.