We are thrilled to announce that we’ve launched a new tool – Remindem.
Remindem is a free and easy-to-use tool that allows you to set up a list of tips, reminders, and advice that people can subscribe to via text messages. Remindem sends important text reminders just when your subscribers need them, based on a schedule you define.
As an example, let’s say that you are a first time expecting mother and you’re a bit unsure about what to anticipate. Mothers-to-be have a lot on their plates, and it’s easy to forget details like taking vitamin supplements or showing up for scheduled checkups. Then there’s the variety of little changes that might alarm a brand-new mother who doesn’t know quite what to expect — or when to expect it. Remindem can help make the road motherhood a little easier. Whether you’re a health care practitioner, an insurance professional, or just a worried mother-in-law, you can set up a series of timed reminders to help Mom make it through her pregnancy with flying colors.
Check out some more examples as well as a deeper dive into the tool at http://remindem.instedd.org/