After finished training to 5HCs (Speu, Sopheas, Chamka Kaosou, Daun Thy, Chamka Andong) + 1 Lab (Chamkarleu Laboratory) and  10 HCs (Krala, Kien Chrey, Koh Samrong, Vihear Thom, Peam Chylaing, Koh Roka, Koh Sotin, Peam Prathnous, Moha Khnoung, Preak Kak) + 3 Labs (Peam Prathnous, Preak Kak, Kampong Cham), All the village volunteers(DOTs) under the supervisor of 5 health center in Chamkarleu OD were trained on 11th – 13th October 2011.
SAKSIT is the name of the TB village volunteer group was introduced and named by FHI team during this training too.      
      For TB Lab Result Alert System training, we did as the play roll by all the DOTs acted as the suspect TB patient and come to HC to take the smear. After get the information from suspect TB patient and noted down on the suspect TB information sheet, HC staff send the suspect TB patient’s information to the system.
       After HC staff receive the successful message reply from the system, he/she pass the smear sheet to laboratory. As the laboratory staff, when he got the smear sheet he assume that he got the result. Lab technician send back the result to the system. This results is forwarding to HC and DOTs cell phone. It forward to only where the suspect TB patient come from.
       Bellow are the activities of the training: