Video: How ‘Watchfire’ Helps the Red Cross
Watchfire is a simple and yet powerful system that initiates and tracks the process of building a volunteer response team with people who are geographically close to each other through phone calls and text message.
Why We Love Remindem
iLab Latin America is Finalist in Changemakers’ Citizen Media: A Global Innovation Competition
Over the last few years, with the advancement of technology, particularly mobile and the widespread adoption of social media, a shift has occurred in the way news is reported. Now, people turn to YouTube, Twitter and Facebook for real-time reports…
Introducing Pollit
Pollit is a free, open-source tool for conducting polls using text messages. Step-by-step, Pollit guides participants through polls and collects real-time results. Pollit shrinks the gap between audiences and pollers, taking the pulse of the people…
Village Volunteers Were trained on how to use TB Lab Result Alert System
After finished training to 5HCs (Speu, Sopheas, Chamka Kaosou, Daun Thy, Chamka Andong) + 1 Lab (Chamkarleu Laboratory) and 10 HCs (Krala, Kien Chrey, Koh Samrong, Vihear Thom, Peam Chylaing, Koh Roka …
Malaria Day Zero Alert System Pilot Training
As day-3 reporting model has proved to be an effective mechanism for reporting cases by SMS, and in light of the move towards the elimination of malaria in Cambodia, it has been decided to scale up the system…
Introducing Remindem
We are thrilled to announce that we’ve launched a new tool – Remindem. Remindem is a free and easy-to-use tool that allows you to set up a list of tips, reminders, and advice that people can subscribe to via text messages…
Verboice – Listen and respond to the voice of your community
Verboice allows you to use the power of voice to improve health, safety and development. Verboice is a set of free and open source tools that we have been building with the goal of dramatically simplify the development of Voice-based applications. It …
iLabs: Community, Connection and a Culture of Innovation
For the last few years, CTO Eduardo Jezerski and his colleagues at InSTEDD have been working on a model for an innovation lab—an “iLab”—to build local tech capacity in developing countries to support projects with social impact…