Why We Love Remindem

New and expecting mothers have a lot on their plates.  There are vitamins to take, doctors appointments to remember and immunizations to schedule.  College students are invariably tasked with research projects, internship responsibilities to fulfill, exam dates and...

Introducing Pollit

Pollit is a free, open-source tool for conducting polls using text messages. Step-by-step, Pollit guides participants through polls and collects real-time results. Pollit shrinks the gap between audiences and pollers, taking the pulse of the people…

Malaria Day Zero Alert System Pilot Training

As day-3 reporting model has proved to be an effective mechanism for reporting cases by SMS, and in light of the move towards the elimination of malaria in Cambodia, it has been decided to scale up the system…

Introducing Remindem

We are thrilled to announce that we’ve launched a new tool – Remindem. Remindem is a free and easy-to-use tool that allows you to set up a list of tips, reminders, and advice that people can subscribe to via text messages…