In partnership with The Ministry of Health’s Communicable Disease Control department (CDC Cambodia), InSTEDD iLab Southeast Asia, with support from Skoll Global Threat Fund, announces the launch of technology innovation solutions for improved infectious disease detection and disease surveillance.

The announced innovations will enable CDC Cambodia to improve the timeliness of infectious disease reporting from all of the 1000-plus health centres nationwide, as well as enable open participatory reporting from citizens. A new web-based tool will help the CDC Cambodia team to screen online media, while sending alerts for potential disease outbreaks related-information.

January 29, 2016 will mark the official launch of the use of the Digital Disease Detection and Participatory Surveillance System by CDC Cambodia. The event will take place at Cambodia-Japan Cooperation Center (CJCC), Angkor-Kizuna Hall.

Dr. Ly Sovann, the CDC Cambodia Director, says: “The early detection technology tools will help us tremendously. With InSTEDD iLab Southeast Asia’s support, our communication and response system will get faster, much faster than ever before.”

Mrs. Channe Suy, the Regional Lead at the InSTEDD iLab Southeast Asia adds: “Innovative technology solution can be great support to public health especially when the speed of information has to be faster than the speed of disease spreading. We are excited for the opportunity to collaborate with CDC Cambodia to integrate mobile technology solution and innovate the existing system that protect against outbreaks and pandemics even more effectively.”

Slide presentations:
Disease Detection System by Eduardo Jezierski, InSTEDD CEO
Finding Outbreaks Faster by Dr. Mark S. Smolinski, Skoll Global Threat Fund

Media reports:
New Tool To Help Cambodian Gov’t Detect Disease Outbreaks: Forbes

VOA interview: technology to aid public health in Cambodia (in Khmer)

Disease control gets tech injection

Ministry of Health to Citizens: Call Me

CDC Cambodia Announces Free Hotline that Citizens  Can Report Infectious Diseases (in Khmer language)